Dr. Melissa K. Jones
Designing Learning Experiences that Empower and Inspire
Publications & Conference Presentations
Dennen, V. P., & Jones, M. K. (2022). The role of the online instructor: A Nexus of skills, activities, and values that support learning. In Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Springer.
Jones, M. K. (2022). Centering teaching and learning centers in instructional systems design conversations. TechTrends. Springer.
Fensie, A., Gill, P. K., Rogowski, A., Bellnier, K., Flynn Stidham, S., Jones, M. K., & Wiley, L. (2022). The study of adult learners in distance education: A Scoping review of the literature. 45th AECT Proceedings. 10.13140/RG.2.2.32441.44644
Jones, M., & Nevárez, C. (2021, October). Humanizing the remote learning space: Focus on faculty development. TOPKit Digest: Teaching Online Preparation Toolkit.
Jones, M., & Nevárez, C. (2021, August). Learning science in faculty development and instructional design. TOPKit Digest: Teaching Online Preparation Toolkit.
Jones, M. (2011). Understanding the rhetorical purpose of Rogerian logic. In C. Childs (Ed.) Rhetoric Matters, 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Invited Presentations
Riding, K., Jones, M.K., Nevárez, C. (presented 2023, November). Generative AI, educational psychology, and learning sciences, in Generative AI in medical laboratory education. Jornada Científica De Laboratorio Clínico Y Anatomía Patológica 2023. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. (International).
Novak, K., Luchs, C., Jones, M.K., Bennani, F., & Marcelle, P. (presented 2022, April). Start with the syllabus: Equity-minded practices for centering learners. Presented as part of Inclusive pedagogy and design: Diversify your constructs, citations, and readings. eLearning Consortium of Colorado (eLCC) Virtual Conference.
Jones, M.K. (presented 2022, March). Queering the composition classroom: Strategies for creating LGBTQ+ inclusive learning environments. Equity-Minded Practice Spring 2022 Webinar; Department of Communications, Valencia College, Orlando, FL.
Goshorn, D., & Jones, M. (presented 2019, November). Cards against complacency (2nd ed.): A Party game for fatigued professionals. Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL. (National).
Jones, M. (presented 2018, March). From orientation to creation: Using the RISE model to design more effective online student course experiences. Virginia Region Interdisciplinary Academic Conference, Norfolk, VA.
Borden, J., Hahn. K., Ruiz, C., Goshorn, D., Jones, M., Kunzweiler, G., McIlroy, C., Rheinschmidt, S. (presented 2017, July). Changing everything: How Saint Leo transformed learning, culture, and technology in 18 months. Featured presentation at Fusion, Las Vegas, NV. (National).
Dennen, V. P., Jones, M. K., Kim I., Melvin, M., Lloyd, M., & Salazar, K. (accepted, to be presented July 2024). Teen information worlds on social media: Everyday encounters with current events, social issues, and science content. 2024 International Conference on Social Media & Society. London, UK. (International).
Dennen, V. P., Bong, J., Yalcin, Y., & Jones, M. K. (presented 2023, November). Renewable assessments and learning legacies: Developing the “OER on OER” project across school years. Open Education Conference (Virtual).
Dolowitz, A., Reese, R., Jones, M. K., Giacumo, L., & Lomellini, A. (presented 2023, October). The professional ladder: Is this workplace safe for me? Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Orlando, FL. (International).
Fisher, B., Jones, M. K., Goldstein, S., & Bauman, J. (presented 2023, October). Transforming a division: The Evolution of the Division of Organizational Training and Performance’s Knowledge Share. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Orlando, FL. (International).
Jones, M. K., & Nevárez, C. (presented, November 2022). A Community reconnected: Collaborating to create an inclusive teaching workbook. Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education Annual Conference 2022. Seattle, WA. (National)
Clawson, J., Cobblah, A. N., Yammer, E.Y., & Jones, M. K. (presented, November 2022). Studying, streamlining, & sustaining DEI work across academic contexts. Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education Annual Conference 2022. Seattle, WA. (National).
Jones, M. K, & Nevárez, C. (presented, October 2022). Finding the balance between personalized and standardized: Humanizing professional development for faculty learners. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Las Vegas, NV. (International).
Jones, M. K. (presented, October 2022). Supporting queer students in online learning environments: A Study of leadership practices and LGBTQ+ initiatives. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Las Vegas, NV. (International). Slides Available
Sockman, B. R., Herman, K., James-Coles, S., Stidham, S., Tracey, M., Dickson-Deane, C., Jones, M. K., Tamim, S., & Blevins, S. (presented, October 2022). Organizational leadership: Using systems thinking to lead with social justice. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Las Vegas, NV. (International).
Fensie, A., Rogowski, A., Bellnier, K., Stidham, S., Jones, M. K., Wiley, L., StPierre, L., & Alicea, M. (presented, October 2022). The study of adult learners in distance education: A Scoping review of the literature. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Las Vegas, NV. (International).
Fensie, A., StPierre, T., Bellnier, K., Rogowski, A., Jones, M. K., Alicea, M., Wiley, L., & Stidham, S. (presented, October 2022). Designing instruction for adult learners in distance education using evidence-based practices. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Las Vegas, NV. (International).
Jones, M., & Nevárez, C. (presented 2022, February). “Have you replied yet?”: Strategies for designing human-centered discussion forums. Conference on Meaningful Living and Learning in a Digital World, Savannah, GA.
Nevárez, C., & Jones, M. (presented 2022, February). Seven minutes with the learning sciences: A Narrative look at interdisciplinary approaches to online education. Conference on Meaningful Living and Learning in a Digital World, Savannah, GA.
Jones, M., & Nevárez, C. (presented 2021, November). The four presences: An Inclusive workshop on the Community of Inquiry framework for diverse faculty audiences. Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education Annual Conference 2021. Virtual. (National).
Jones, M., & Nevárez, C. (presented 2021, November). Complex problems - creative solutions: Using common technologies to gamify professional development and visualize participation data. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Chicago, IL. and Virtual. (International).
Novak, K., Luchs, C., Jones, M., Herman, K., & Marcelle, P. (presented 2021, November). Culture, learning, and technology: Diversify your constructs, theories, citations, and reading lists. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Chicago, IL. and Virtual. (International).
Budhrani, K., Ross, K., Muljana, P., Jones, M., & Staudt Willet, B. (presented 2020, November). Factors influencing doctoral students’ perseverance in online instructional technology programs. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Virtual. (International).
Jones, M., Bookman, S., Lacombe, A., Loomis, C., Proctor, H., & Verity, E. (presented 2020, November). The power of social media to build cultural connections for online doctoral students. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention. Virtual. (International).
Jones, M., & Nevárez, C. (accepted* 2020, November). Adaptable scenarios and inclusive strategies: Creating a workbook for supporting instructional designer/teaching faculty partnerships. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention.Jacksonville, FL. (International). *Not presented due to COVID complications.
Jones, M. (presented 2020, February). Using a Community of Inquiry framework to humanize online learning and support diverse student voices. Conference on Meaningful Living and Learning in a Digital World, Savannah, GA.
Jones, M. (presented 2019, October). The intersection of us and them: Using a Community of Inquiry model to support diversity and inclusion in composition classrooms. Valencia College Reading and Writing Conference, Orlando, FL.
Goshorn, D., & Jones, M. (presented 2019, March). Humanizing online learning. Tampa Bay Regional Instructional Design Conference, Tampa, FL.
Goshorn, D., & Jones, M. (presented 2019, February). Cards against complacency: A Party game for fatigued faculty (1st ed.). Conference on Meaningful Living and Learning in a Digital World, Savannah, GA.
Jones, M., Nichols, G., Riding, K., & Stewart-Morrison, M. (presented 2019, February). Supporting faculty partnerships: A Panel on shared experiences from four Florida universities. Sunshine State Teaching & Learning Conference, Daytona, FL.
Goshorn, D., & Jones, M. (presented 2018, April). Mindful approaches to faculty development. Florida Faculty Development Consortium Meeting, Fort Myers, FL.
Ruiz, C., Goshorn, D., & Jones, M. (presented 2018, March). Strategies for more accessible course designs. Tampa Bay Regional Instructional Design Conference, Tampa, FL.
Ruiz, C., Goshorn, D., & Jones, M. (presented 2017, October). The effectiveness of enrichment: A Game for faculty developers. Florida Faculty Development Consortium Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Ruiz, C., Goshorn, D., & Jones, M. (presented 2017, April). The good, the bad, and the ugly: Creating online faculty development courses. Florida Faculty Development Consortium Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Jones, M., & Stewart-Morrison, M. (presented 2016, October). Using technology to promote faculty development. Florida Faculty Development Consortium Meeting, Clearwater, FL.
Jones, M. (presented 2009, March). Bonding through violence: Male homosocial relationships in Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers, A History of Violence, and Eastern Promises. Anything but Safe: Sex, Sexuality, and Gender Conference, Tampa, FL.
Jones, M. (presented 2008, October). Reaching ngàje ngài: Acceptance, redemption, and salvation in “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.” Florida College English Association Conference, Ybor City, FL.